Wake up call

22 year old wife & mom. 
Being a young mom is nothing what i thought it would be, surprising right? 
I remember being a little girl, having this picture in my head of how things would be and look like in the future, being a bride, being pregnant, being a mom walking with her kids and stroller. Little did i know, this was a complete fantasy! I honestly thought i'd be walking around with high heels with my brand new summer dress, ice coffee in one hand, pushing the stroller in the other. But instead i'll be happy if i just happen to throw on a clean shirt thats not covered in baby puke! 
Don't get me wrong, being a mom is FABULOUS, just not quite as fashionable as i expected. But seeing my precious baby smile at 5am makes my messy hair and hormonal acne (from breast feeding) absolutely worth it! It's a complete blessing, a gift from God but also it's entering a new world. It's taking on a whole new battle with alot of responsibility. It's quite eye opening actually, seeing the world not only with a new perspective but through the eyes of your child. 

It may feel like nothing else matters but that little baby you're holdning in your arms, but don't loose your identity in motherhood! It's quite easy to forget about yourself, and your needs.My baby Joel is only 8,5 weeks old so i've got alot to learn still but i know the guilt of being selfish might haunt you, but don't let it get you down. To be your best you, you have to feel your best! 
So raise your mug and enjoy that coffee & do some internet shopping, because mama you're worth it! 
Anyone battling the demons in your head saying you're selfish for thinking about yourself? - Leave a comment and let me know i'm not alone. Or, leave your experinace about becoming a new mom in the comments!
I'd love to hear from you! 

Alexandra Persson

Alexandra, 22år gift med Niklas och mamma till Joel. Livet är inte alltid Instagram-perfect men, det är gött! Följ min resa genom föräldraskap!

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