How I de-stress

We live in a world full of stress! No point in denying it. Everything has to be done quickly so that we can check things off of our to do lists. I'll be the first to admit that stress basically controled my life. Now that I'm home on maternity leave I'm really trying to figure out how to live a stress-free life. To be honest, with children, work and all the other musts in life, that's impossible. But I've come to learn that there are a few things that can help cut down stress in life. Here's what works for me
1. Start your day right
Make sure you give yourself a few minutes in the morning. Even if you're not a morning person, wake up make yourself coffee & enjoy breakfast. Even if you have a baby glued to your arms or lying next to you whining. Take this time to breath and prepare your day.
2. Do what you enjoy
If you're anything like me you'll be totally baffled by this one. I was so buried in my everyday chores that I honestly forgot what I enjoy doing in life. Take time to figure it out, and dont be afraid to try new things. I love going  to the beach and long walks with my family and gardening this summer is my new hobby. I love going out to pick my fresh herbs, berries, potatoes, squash and other goodies while baby Joel sleeps in the stroller.
3.Cut down the hours you spend on your "to do" list
Now, by this I don't mean don't do the laundry or dishes or vacuum the house. I simply mean divide it up. Make a schedule that fits you! For example, cut down the time you spend making dinner, there are plenty of quick and healthy recipes that speed up the amount of time you spend in the kitchen!

Quick and easy steak sallad for dinner. A meal easy enough to make even with a baby hanging on me! 
4. Dont set expectations
It's so easy to set expectations in life! I truly believe that setting expectations rises the risks of being disappointed which causes more stress. Let your mind state be "lets make the best of it" even if you had a complete different thought for the beginning. Lay back and enjoy the excitment of not knowing the outcome! 
5. Enjoy the quality time with someone you love
This is my favorite, and honestly it's probably the easiest and most important one. To take time and enjoy the company of loved ones. This helps me so much. 
Now for some people this might sound obvious, but for me it wasn't and to be honest I think it's easier said than done. I've, slowly but surely; come to learn to enjoy the ups and downs that life has to offer! 
If you have tips or advice on how to live a more stress-free life, leave a comment and let me know!! 


Philippians 4:6

 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


Alexandra Persson

Alexandra, 22år gift med Niklas och mamma till Joel. Livet är inte alltid Instagram-perfect men, det är gött! Följ min resa genom föräldraskap!

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